Department of Endodontics

Endodontics covers diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of pulp, peri-radicular diseases, and also traumatic dental injuries.

The field of ​​Endodontics works to treat the damaged vital or non-vital pulp,  dental or dentoalveolar trauma,  combined lesions. Therefore, pulp capping, root canal treatment are commonly performed in the practice. When primary root canal treatment is failed, root canal re-treatment is able to perform to survive tooth. Furthermore, Endodontics joins associated dentoalveolar operations as periapical surgery, periodontal surgery as multidisciplinary. Beside to eliminate root canal infection or preserving the vital pulp, non-vital tooth bleaching also performs in the department of Endodontics.


For patients,

Prior examined and have definitive-diagnosed patients are consulted to our department for Endodontic treatment. The appointment system of department of Endodontics works separately from the online appointment system. Thus, individually registration and treatment-schedule should be demanded by the secretary of the department. The scheduled appointment is immediately cancelled from the non-registered patient at that time. We accept the patient who is older than 13th-year-old with a legal companion. the duration of our appointments are about an hour. this duration can be extended due to complex tooth anatomy, patient co-operation ability. Usually, endodontic treatments complete in multiple-visits, however, rarely it can be completed as a single visit. The number of visits depends on multifactorial reasons.  


Inter-appointment maintenance,

Endodontically treated teeth are always sealed with a temporary restoration. The sealing must stay in optimum condition over the tooth until the treatment is over. Please do not chew on the restored tooth. the level of the restoration can decrease by the time. If your temporary filling is completely removed until your next appointment, you should go to your dentist immediately. Or else, the success of the treatment is directly affected negatively. The temporary sealed tooth can carefully be cleaned with a toothbrush and dental floss. Do not use your tooth for two hours after the placement of the sealing.  Cariogenic or sticky foods/beverages could be damaged to your temporary sealing. If your temporary sealing has not been displaced but your pain has increased or swelled, consult your dentist before the scheduled-appointment.